• Art/Design,  Cityscapes/Urban,  quotes,  shadows,  trees,  winter scenes

    Shadows on the Snow
    Shadows on the Snow

    After several days of cold weather we’ve had a couple of warmer days which is now melting our snow. This past Sunday afternoon I got my laundry done, did some writing and reading and took a short walk. A simple day. 

    “Remember, presence does not happen in the mind. All the mind can handle is before and after; it does not know how to be present in the now.” Richard Rohr

  • Art,  Art/Design,  Woodcarving


    Two of my dads carvings.
    Two of my dads carvings.

    This is two of my dads carvings. The first one is two hearts connected at their base and carved from one piece of wood, Birdseye Maple. The carvings in the background are small elephants with intertwined trunks. This is my dads, creative outlet and a great form of therapy.

  • architecture,  Art,  Art/Design,  Cityscapes/Urban

    Wall Graffiti

    Colors and Patterns
    Colors and Patterns

    This is the side of a metal building someone has painted a mural on. It is massive in size and depicts a couple of hummingbirds that must be 10 feet tall. I am standing along the path leading to the bus stop and can’t step back any further. It was the abstract essence that called me when standing this close. Bright colors!

    More bright colors and patterns
    More bright colors and patterns
  • architecture,  Art/Design,  Black and White,  lifestyles

    More Snow

    Stairs at Morgan Library
    Stairs at Morgan Library

    It is Friday morning about 7:30 am and sitting at a computer on campus at Morgan Library. Yes, I have a mocha in hand from Morgans Grind, the coffee shop located in the library. 🙂 A light snow is falling and has been, with mixed rain, since Thursday night. We have received about 2-3 inches of snow but with lots of moisture. Winter is still with us in Colorado.

    As I walked from the bus stop to the library I noticed a student riding their bicycle in this 20 degree weather without gloves. How do they do that? Anyway, back to the weather. They are predicting lows for the next two nights somewhere from the single digits to mid teens. Time to make chili again and check on airfare to Phoenix. Stay warm and enjoy the weekend!

  • Art/Design,  Candid Portraits,  Creativity,  lifestyles,  People/Portraits

    Austin the Printmaker

    Austin the Print Maker
    Austin the Printmaker

    Austin just graduated this past December from Colorado State University with a Fine Arts degree and wants to work as a print maker. We met at one of the coffee shops I frequent where he worked as a barista during college. I was privilege to take a few images of him as he made prints at the lab on campus. Of course this one was taken after the print was made and therefore the happy grin on his face. I think he likes it.

    If you’re not familiar with print making here is some info on it from Wikipedia. Printmaking normally covers only the process of creating prints that have an element of originality, rather than just being a photographic reproduction of a painting. Each print produced is not considered a “copy” but rather is considered an “original”. This is because typically each print varies to an extent due to variables intrinsic to the printmaking process, and also because the imagery of a print is typically not simply a reproduction of another work but rather is often a unique image designed from the start to be expressed in a particular printmaking technique. 

    Prints are created by transferring ink from a matrix or through a prepared screen to a sheet of paper or other material. Common types of matrices include: metal plates, usually copper or zinc, or polymer plates for engraving or etching; stone, aluminum, or polymer for lithography; blocks of wood for woodcuts and wood engravings; and linoleum for linocuts.