People/Portraits,  Portraits

A Ray of Sunshine

“A person’s beauty is sophisticated and sacred and is far beyond image, appearance or personality.”

John O’Donohue

I’m thinking, ya gotta be tired of my landscape images from the Natural Areas, so I thought I’d post an image of Katie taken eight years ago. She’s not a sunrise but she is a beautiful ray of sunshine. Yes, I know, there I go thinking again!

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    You always seem to get great expressions from your portrait subjects, and this is but one example. Definitely a ray of sunshine!

    We’re waiting to see an end to the gray gloominess that has been around here the last couple of days. Highs in the 30s and 40s with no sunshine has it feeling pretty chilly around here. Thank goodness for heat!

    • Monte Stevens

      Looks like you could see sunshine tomorrow while we are expecting snow and cold. Thank you for the compliment, Tom. I believe getting the model to relax and show their personalities is the key to a good portrait photographer. Stay warm!